Category Archives: SAP Knowledgebase

Can SAP® Warehouse Management (WM) run on SAP S/4HANA®?

TranASAP UI Versions Console ITSmobile UI5

Yes. SAP Warehouse Management (WM) can be implemented in S/4 HANA, on-premise installation. SAP WM is still part of SAP S/4HANA, and made available via a Compatibility Package (CP). SAP provides a limited use right to run certain classic SAP ERP solutions on the S/4HANA installation through the Compatibility Packages, assuming the customer has already…

SAP Software Knowledge Base – Radio Frequency Framework

Zebra RF Scanner and ZQ500 Mobile Printer on Belt

Highlights of SAP S/4HANA® Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) Radio Frequency (RF) Framework By providing an RF framework, greater efficiency and fast error-free data communication can be attained in the warehouse, through the use of mobile RF devices, such as Zebra mobile RF scanners, handhelds, rugged tablets, vehicle-mounted terminals, wearables, and more. The RF framework satisfies…

SAP Software Knowledge Base – Can BarTender Integrate with SAP Software?

Barcode Label Printing for Warehouse Putaway

YES. BarTender Software can be integrated with SAP ECC® and SAP S/4HANA® There are various ways that BarTender software can be integrated with SAP software. Contact BCC Distribution to learn more about our best-practice standards for barcode label printing integration with SAP ERP. Barcode Label Printing with SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure (SAP AII) On the SAP…

SAP Software Knowledge Base – Optimized vs Standard SAP RF Transactions

Zebra RF Scanner and ZQ500 Mobile Printer on Belt

Optimized and Automated Mobile RF Transactions for SAP IM and WM vs. Standard “As-Is” SAP Warehouse Management RF Transactions As identified by SAP for Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), the work process in the warehouse is characterized by speed, reliability, and precision in processing individual goods movements.  To optimize manufacturing efficiently, inventory management and warehouse operations,…

SAP Software Knowledge Base – Mobile SAP RF Transaction for Production Order Receipt

TranASAP UI Versions Console ITSmobile UI5

SAP Mobilized RF Transaction for Production Order Count and Receipt, Put Away, and Confirmation of Order – CO15, MIGO MT101, and LT11 With a SAP Production Order assigned to the Production Line, the purpose of this premium SAP RF combination transaction is to both mobilize and automate the SAP Production Order Count, Finished Goods Inventory…

SAP Software Knowledge Base –SAP RF Inventory and Cycle Counting

SAP Mobilized RF Transactions for Inventory Counts in SAP Inventory Management (IM) and Warehouse Management (WM) The purpose of these mobilized and automated SAP RF transactions is to perform regularly scheduled, ad hoc (or on-demand), and/or system guided counts of physically on-hand inventory. Examples being Cycle Counts (blind) of full or partial amounts of inventory,…

SAP Software Knowledge Base – 2D Barcode Printing and Scanning with SAP ERP Software

1D [Linear] and 2D [Two Dimensional] Barcode Scanning and Barcode Printing Questions for use with SAP ECC® and S/4HANA®, plus General Barcoding FAQ. SupportLine Case: Can my existing Zebra printers support 2D barcode pallet label printing? And, how can I enable 2D barcode scanning with my mobile device using SAP Fiori mobile inventory transactions? QUESTION:…

SAP Software Knowledge Base – IM Batch Picking for Delivery

SAP Mobile RF Transaction for Picking for Delivery with Batch Tracking in SAP Inventory Management (IM) The purpose of this mobilized and automated SAP RF transaction is to Pick Inventory Materials, with Batch Management, for Outbound Delivery. The SAP RF transaction (t-code) may be MB1B or MIGO with a Movement Type of 303, 313, or…

Mobile SAP RF Transaction for WM Bin to Bin Inventory Move

SAP Mobile RF Transaction for Storage Bin Location to Storage Bin Location (Bin-to-Bin) Inventory Movements in SAP Warehouse Management (WM) – LT01 Movement 999 The purpose of this mobilized and automated SAP RF transaction is to move Inventory Materials (such as unrestricted stock) from one Storage Bin location another Storage Bin location.  The SAP RF…

Mobile SAP RF Transaction for Goods Receipt

SAP Mobile RF Transaction for Good Receipt from Purchase Order or Inbound Delivery – MIGO 101 and VL32N The purpose of this mobilized and automated SAP RF transaction is to receive Materials on a Purchase Order, Scheduling Agreement, or Inbound Delivery.  Commonly received Materials will be (1) Raw Materials, Supplies and/or Consumables typically received on…